- The Book of Revelation
The epic journey of humankind from primitive to ascended master. 6p,495KB
- The Time is Now
Revelations for today from Djwahl Khul and Ken Carey. 5p,301KB
- The Era of the Gods' Return
Aquarian Age return of the masters of old. 4p,32KB
- The Divine Plan
Aquarian Age Divine Plan. 8p,81KB
- Masters and Avatars
Human Potential, Masters & Avatars. 6p,906KB
- Evolution to Aquarius
Human florescence in the Age of Aquarius. 3p,318KB
- Year 2012 Mysteries
Examination of the scientific and esoteric evidence for drastic Earth changes in 2012. 11p,65KB
- Sheep and Goats
Plasma mutations separating wheat from chaff. 2p,11KB
- Divine Panarchy
Cosmic ecology with human-divine causal interactions. 9p,48KB
- The Fourth Initiation of Earth
Multiple resonance of the 4th principle during Earth's 4th initiation. 7p,36KB
- Ecology of Spirit
A universal spiritual ecology of cycles of crisis and development. 10p,230KB
- Cultural Creatives Synergy
A progressive group of world population leads to a better world. 3p,23KB
- The Future of Politics?
Growing political influence of Cultual Creatives. 2p,73KB
- Meditation for the World 1
Meditation for world and our transformation. 1p,3KB
- Success
A dream instruction about the secret of success. 1p,6KB
- Revelation
How to create positive global change. 2p,10KB
- Oneness Co-creation
Meditation in the living God. 1p,5KB
- Esoteric Role of Canberra 1
Esoteric astrology of Canberra. 6p,44KB
- Esoteric Role of Canberra 2
Applications of esoteric astrology of Canberra. 5p,21KB
- Kundalini
Margot's kundalini experience. 3p,17KB
- Church of the World
A new order coming of unity. 1p,4KB
- The Two Doves
Yin and Yang love. 1p,4KB
- Love is the Ultimate Way
Deep love between two people. 1p,4KB
- Prophecy of Peter Deunov
Cosmic wave of electricity bringing end of current cycle and beginning of golden age. 4p,16KB
- Mellen-Thomas Beyond Death Experience
Literally a universal insight beyond spacetime. 7p,70KB
- Prophecy of Mitar Tarabich
Historical verification plus years 2050-2100. 11p,40KB
- Mother Shipton
16th century visions of today and creation of new heaven and earth. 5p,12KB
- Padre Pio
Visions from mid 20th century of radical changes. 2p,54KB
- Fatima
Revelation of human influence on coming catastrophic change. 1p,6KB
- Milanovich
Message from ETs about impending Earth changes. 1p,6KB
- Carolyn Evers
Metatron interpretation of Avebury crop circle and 2012. 7p,61KB